Postural Problems
Poor posture can lead to various problems, including pain, headaches, and even difficulty breathing.
Many people only consider their posture when something goes wrong, but this can be the cause of, or contribute to, a variety of ongoing issues.
An osteopath may be able to help improve your posture and alleviate many of these issues. Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that considers the body as a whole and aims to restore balance within it. Therefore it will look at all factors contributing to your pain, including posture.
Poor posture can cause problems including:

- back pain
- headaches
- spinal problems
- muscle fatigue and strain
- joint degeneration and increased disc problems
- ligament laxity/stretch
- rounded shoulders
- poor circulation.
Osteopaths may improve your posture by:
- improving muscular flexibility in your body
- improving range of motion in the joints of the spine and extremities
- providing instruction and advice on ‘good’ posture
- advising on ergonomics during your working day and at home
- providing exercises to strengthen postural muscles.