Sports Injuries & Rehabilitation

Sports Injuries

At Dr Pip Osteopath, I understand the frustrations of sporting injuries preventing patients from being able to take part in their favourite forms of exercise.  That’s why it is so important to fully understand and diagnose an injury in order to be able to treat and rehabilitate the patient in the most effective way. It is also important to educate patients on injury prevention, and safety when exercising.

Your Osteopathic treat may include:

  1. Assess/examine – we want to work out what you can and can’t do.  Osteopaths are trained in specific examination techniques to understand the extent of your injury. 
  2. Educate and empower – we want you to know what’s going on, and what we can do about it.  This may include advising you on appropriate scans to achieve a clearer diagnosis
  3. Alleviate pain and discomfort – we will advise and treat in a way to optimize your pain relief and increase body mobility.
  4. Restore function – absence of pain does not mean complete restoration of function.  It is important to restore a body’s function through mobility, strength and stability, alongside minimising pain.
  5. Build resilience – mentally and physically, so it doesn’t happen again.  This could include stretches and exercise/lifestyle programs to keep you healthy. At Dr Pip Osteopath, I can give you information, guidance and rehabilitation programs via our Physitrack and PhysiApp.

Click here for more information on our Physitrack and PhysiApp programs

Osteopaths may diagnose and treat:

  • Muscular strains (including groin, hamstring and calves) are a common football injury but can be seen in many other sportspeople or gym enthusiasts and may be related to the pelvis alignment or mobility.
  • Ligament sprains e.g. ankles and wrists
  • Hip, knees, ankle for injuries
  • Shoulder, elbows and wrist injuries
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Shin splints
  • Recurrent injuries


At Dr Pip Osteopath, we focus on educating our patients to enable them to help themselves in their recovery.  Alongside Osteopathic treatment, it is essential that your practitioner demonstrates and recommends appropriate stretches and exercises to help speed up your recovery and manage you long term body health.  Therefore, Dr Pip Osteopath will be using an app system called Physitrack/PhysiApp.

Physitrack – for your practitioners to formulate tailored stretching and exercise programs for your specific injury.

PhysiApp – for patients to download for FREE, and receive their program straight from the practitioner.  The PhysiApp can allow your practitioner to monitor your progress and make adjustments to your program to suit your individual needs.